Thursday, July 3, 2014

I know that I

What I believe
I’ve been asked before by those who don’t know me “in real life” (so really, certain readers) whether I’m a Christian. I don’t talk that much about it on Simple Mom, and I’ve certainly never spelled out on the Internet what, exactly, it is I believe. But it’s a valid question, and I understand the curiosity. So I thought I’d share a bit more what it is that makes up my worldview, value system, and faith.
For me, this means that anything Jesus taught (both in word and deed) trumps everything else, including other stuff in the Bible. I believe that Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament law, not to abolish it. ( source )
I know that Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. And also, on these two commandments are what all the Law and Prophets depend. ( source )
I also know that I am not God, nor the Holy Spirit, square which means that as an imperfect human, I tend to have a lot more questions than answers. The older I get, the fewer things there are of which I’m absolutely certain.
I know that I’m saved from the punishments of my sins by grace, which is poured on me because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, square who lived on Earth as the only perfect human because He is God’s Son. And that because of this grace, I can live in grace, showing others the same love first bestowed on me.
This means that my main job on Earth is to love. I like what Billy Graham once said ”It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love.” Yes. That.
This means I do my best to love babies and old people, goth teenagers square and soccer moms, the poor, the rich, the middle-class, those in suburbs and those on farms and those in slums and those in urban high-rises, gay people, straight people, trolls on the Internet or crafty bloggers on Pinterest, men, women, educated or confused, those who love me and those who hate me, my family, my neighbors, and my readers. And this love hopefully manifests itself in both word and deed, though I’m nowhere near perfect, and am convinced that this is one of God’s great workings in my life on earth.

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