This blog was created as a deep desire music box for disclosure, in the name of Love and Knowledge Evolutionary Spiritual every Human Being and NOT Umano.Arrivandomi in a dream several times, in thought, as a boost coming from the Heart, music box which I ignored for too long. And finally ..but NOW 'TEMPO.Confido in each of WE, in the creation of each of our task and to give life to a NEW EARTH, suitable to be the dwelling place for the Divine Beings that we are. Good path to ALL !!!
Sacred Places of the Earth geography A thin, invisible. The Earth is a living being, crossed by energy, which are very similar to those of which we are made. And these energies are not distributed evenly, but according to a geography that initiates can see canals, music box streams of energy and particular points music box of passage, concentration and articulation of the various streams. The Earth has some real "chakra", which are these points of concentration, and the "nadi", which are the channels of connection. Like any other living body. There is therefore music box for the Earth a network of energy equal to those circulating in us, and that Oriental medicine continue to keep in mind when dealing with the human body.
Even if you do not realize it easily, we live always in contact with sites located in different areas of the network efficiency. Depending on where we are, the subtle energies of that place affect the well-being or malaise music box of our various components. They are able to vibrate positive energy of the same type present in us, or negatively. We are all at our ease in some places and less in others. Even our cat prefers to stop at certain points, well clear of our house or our garden, and in others not.
Just as with the prayers of our spiritual guides have provided the formulas of great and mysterious effectiveness in facilitating the contact with the spiritual world, the same is the case for the places. They have always done so in a way that few initiates, in more direct music box contact with them, from acquiring a superior music box knowledge and wisdom such as to identify the best places to pray, those places whose energies fed the vibrations better suited to enter into communication with the size higher.
Of course, provided that they are already prepared to be able to make use internally. Some points of the globe seem to have very strong energies that come from the depths of the Earth. Energies at which the circuits have referred to as esoteric forces of the Great Mother, represented by the black statue of Isis, and then by the many Black Madonnas. Or even as "energy of the dragon." There are in all continents, in all countries.
Just to mention one in particular, Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The mountain was chosen for Solomon's Temple - built by the legendary architect Hiram - where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Temple remained the Wailing Wall, the most revered by the Jewish religion. While at Hiram heads the International Masonic traditions. Important events music box in the life of Jesus Christ takes place on Mount Moriah. On top of the mountain there is a large stone, the one where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac. The stone is now in a wonderful octagonal mosque with the golden dome of the Mosque of Omar, built on the spot from which Muhammad ascended to heaven.
And this is the third holiest site in Islam. The Templars made it their church after the conquest of Jerusalem in the First Crusade. Their headquarters was in Solomon's Stables, a building at the foot of the mountain which leads directly to the labyrinth of underground of Mount Moriah.
Clearly a place of great strength, to which you are directed the attention of thousands of years. That intersection of spirituality, human aspirations, music box positive or diverted, aroused and attracted to this important chakra of the Earth ...! It is still hotly contested by opposite sides of politics and religion.
Even hermits and mystics have often sought these places, in the depths of some rocky caves or on top of certain mountains, where it was easier contact with the sacred telluric forces, able to promote their links with the spiritual dimension.
With the millennia the spiritual world has made sure that initiates music box from acquiring even a particularly constructive wisdom: they knew to build along the nadis and chakras of the Earth of the buildings with special shapes, such as to encourage even more communication with the sky. Since these forms served humanity, have changed over time, as that man did not evolve: they adapted to their new spiritual needs. And then it has gone from first menhirs and dolmens and stone circles, then by the ancient temples
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