If you are the type to always forget next sale that certain password to that certain website, there are services available which can help you store this type of sensitive information, while also making sure it is incredibly protected at the same time.
New accounts next sale only…:(
I use PassIFox, a KeePass2 extension for Firefox (desktop) that allows the user to trigger user/pass fill-in (I prefer that to automatic, but I know there are other extensions that do that). There are a couple of KeePass2 compatible android apps, I think one of them allows you to pull those passwords into Chrome in Android (I do it rarely enough that I just open the keepass2 app and find the login I’m looking for. It provides notifications that copy user and pass to clipboard). Having the security of an open source app and control of the password file is worth any minor inconvenience to me.
Yea I just read their website to understand how they do it. cool idea, just think its not for me. Dont want to have to depend on this service to log into websites. Also if you stop paying, next sale that causes a bunch of issues too.
what if I just want to log into amazon real quick from a computer that doesnt have the lastpass next sale installed. I assume I can just pull up the password from my phone but then you’d end up having to type out that long weird password they generate for you. great service but I might try it out, just to see what the hype is about.
It’s like trying to use Android Device Manager on a foreign computer next sale and having it say type the code from your phone since you have two factor authentication on – a lot of good that does when you don’t know where your phone is.
I frequently log into LastPass from other people’s computers that don’t have the browser extension installed. next sale I used DiceWare to generate a 32+ character passphrase that is easy for me to remember for use as my master password. I use a Yubikey for two-factor authentication. Log in on their website, open my password vault, copy paste the relevant password next sale and username for whatever site I need access to. Log out of their website when finished doing whatever I was doing. Done. I have credentials for over 200 websites next sale stored next sale in my vault, and every single one of them has a unique random 20+ character next sale password that includes special characters, numbers, and Upper and lower case letters, The security that my $1/month provides is well worth the extremely minor 30-second inconvenience involved in logging in on browsers that lack the extension.
My understanding is that with LastPass your passwords are encrypted and decrypted locally, so LastPass (the service/company) never actually sees your unencrypted passwords, only the fully encrypted password “bucket”.
You get all this with Password Safe and it’s free all the time – no special promotions. With the PassSafe Sync companion app, you can access all your passwords at any time on any device….dunno why this company charges when there are other options that do the same for free.
After you do the 1 year free you can then add an additional 6 months off by going here https://lastpass.com/hbpromo.php?n=Anything+Digital&h=5dd24d69aa15ff0dc6d3f3aae0c4429a176cacc9de28ac13b02d79714f0c6b4c . I now have lastpass until October 2016
Additional 6 months no longer valid The student one is still working of course.
Yes it’s legit and Groupon is also legit soooo don’t believe everything on the internet
Just searched a bit about this. It seems like Groupon is bad at fixing things that Business owners may screw up. I saw one specifically that the owner was selling $40 of merchandise for $20 and wanted to only sell it to one person per household but didn’t specify that. Then when the deal started she noticed and tried to have it changed to no avail. It seems more like people need to check for any issues before jumping into the deal. None the less it seems like it’s bad for business owners, not people buying the deals.
Car detailers on AG talk about how Groupon next sale was a mistake because while it got them a larger customer base, that base is filled with cheap people who only want similar deals/promotions and think everything costs what the Groupon gave them forever. You can’t use customers who just deal snipe.
Being an existing user I followed those steps and never saw the “Upgrade Now”. I clicked the URL from email. Logged in (was logged in the first time already through the toolbar. Logged out and tried it again the second time) to Lastpass and there was never a “Upgrade next sale Now” link that I saw. The original “Redeem Now” button/link was there and when I hit that it says, “Sorry, this promotion is for new LastPass users, your account was created 2 years ago, send it to a friend! Thanks for using LastPass!
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