Yesterday, August Gottschalk died. And as it has been described so well, was not known to us personally octonauts August Gottschalk. Or do we have to see him play. And yet we know a little about him: On his way to play football for example; But also about character traits is said and written in a few sentences.
We August Gottschalk not so transfigured look like Helmut Rahn, perhaps may be due to the fact that he has indeed made it into the notebook octonauts of Sepp Herberger, but not in the squad. No champion, octonauts no boss. So clock. For food and Rot-Weiss! August Gottschalk was the team captain of that success teams from 1953 to 1955, having won titles for eternity and the club pennant for Rot-Weiss Essen.
The concern that had often and quickly spread through the red-white lifeline in social media yesterday, was the feeling of sadness, coupled with deep gratitude. Gratitude for two titles octonauts that are responsible for being our club are still and always will be. This generation of players octonauts has established octonauts the myth RWE. The west curve was later to her rest; All the other charismatic players came in later decades to the harbor road. However, often without the desired sporting success.
Well, then again a farewell. A farewell without return. A farewell is the feeling now losing this team completely. Rest in peace August Gottschalk. And you gather your old team elsewhere in order to set the pace and even a. And if it costs anything up there, get the money as they used the "Old" back. But the Fritz Herkenrath we keep as long as possible here with us.
Fritz Herkenrath, Werner Goebel, Willi Köchling, Paul Jahnel-, Heinz Wewers, Clemens Wientjes, Helmut Rahn, Franz Islacker, August Gottschalk captain of the team, Fritz Abromeit, Bernhard Termath Coach: Karl Hohmann
Tomorrow back to the fuballerischen grandson, whose hairstyles converge with those of the double winners of the past and may now wear a champion jersey, take another step in the right direction. No German Cup win, but maybe with the unofficial autumn Championship stir up hope.
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