Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Indigos gained its name from the color of your aura, as we shall see, but no longer show be peacema

Since several previous series this'm addressing the replacement of reincarnating spirits, the withdrawal of old, addicted to violence, terror and war and the arrival cosco of millions cosco of others moved for peace and love. Recommend, for your better understanding, reader, take a read at post No. 1580 (10/21/2014) series cosco "Paridos terror and reborn in love" for then we forward to the approach than are born members of phalanges indigo and crystal theme of this series.
Crystal children are newcomers to the planet (1984 here), cosco each time more, and thus no longer may be more children of calls because older would now be up to 30 years old. It is likely that ever existed crystals in Woodstock Festival in 1969, but in very small quantities. Yes because they have always existed between us, even in small quantities. It is true that in Woodstock 100% of gifts represented the radical cosco shift in vibration pattern of our planet. Read a very provocative article that claimed that among the participants of that festival were children of families who participated in the extermination of Native Americans there reincarnated provided Cherokee spirits, mohawks, xaienes, Sioux, Apache, Comanche, Navajo and others. Were 18 million before 1600. The long hair, out of all the peoples tradition cosco Britons US residents denounced its origin. Born there to promote the settlement between attackers and attacked.
The crystals are called "crystals" in an allusion to be Christ's people. Of course, as the Christ Spirit in Jesus reincarnated into a giant Earth evangelizing work, other auxiliary spirits of this journey can and should be with us always to continue to that work still under the baton of Christ, but without organic cosco presence of Christ here in this plan.
Indigos gained its name from the color of your aura, as we shall see, but no longer show be peacemakers. Rather, they are confrontational. The mission of both is clear. We'll see.
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Homer Franco I am a student of our relations with the Sacred. In my travels cosco around the cosmos gather fragments of universal knowledge and make available cosco here. Who wants to collect, to do so. Without ceremony. Knowledge is universal and belongs to us without d

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