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From this article, in short, you can see emerge - backlit - a powerful machine that collects and ce

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"Agents of influence" or control infiltration and Sunday, September 15, 2013 10:28 Dante Barontini -
We have chosen to publish this article, from the magazine of the former intelligence Sisde, Gnosis, to give a shock to a certain mentality "left" that has completely removed the perception of real conflict and its concrete forms; and that recognizes the repressive act only when there is blatantly with arrests, searches, etc.. Only after the damage has been subit or, in other words.
This text summarizes a figure half price books not new to "infiltrate political" but so far had not had either official mention (let alone the daily press), or admission or acknowledgment of existence by the official structures half price books of espionage. L '"agent of influence" is indeed elusive figure already in the definition ("activity conducted by individuals, statutory or otherwise, in order to guide it to their advantage the views of an individual or a group"), but very real in its action .
The range of application of this figure is huge, practically without limits. It can go from '"agent" (an individual or a group) that seeks to influence the policy of a State to the more "normal" cop who slips into a group, a collective, a community half price books center, so as to direct a few choices, take information that do not travel by phone or Internet, promote their disintegration, etc..
A figure that is further complicated when the joins' s "unwitting agent of influence", the idiot (individual, group, movement, party), which is naturally interested in what a state entity, without having received any input. Here the terrain becomes immediately more political than "spy", with some comic aspect well expressed by the joke "I would like to know who is the instigator of the shit that I do." All the more so if the "principal" is found, maybe along the way. An example? Well, in the "Italian Left" - even in the "estremissima" - do not really miss. You can go from the PRC bertinottiana in certain half price books areas "centrosociali" that offered an easy side to "counterterrorism operations" in which the action was almost transparent "organization" of some infiltrators services (in fact come out unscathed from the final round-up).
In the jargon, this type of activity half price books complex contours adaptable to any context, is called "soft power" (or "smart power"), why not put in the first place - but not the rule - the use of state violence. half price books Of course a work of infiltration into movements half price books or opposition groups may involve arrests, torture, targeted assassinations; as well as the work of digregazione and isolation of an enemy state may result in sabotage or military attacc hi i. But the main emphasis is placed on 'information. The enemy you want to know everything, you want to keep tabs on all the vital aspects that make it an autonomous entity, independent, design, half price books active: an "enemy", in fact, not an occasional "problem" strategically irrelevant.
From this article, in short, you can see emerge - backlit - a powerful machine that collects and centralizes information, knowledge, knowledge; and it does so using it for planning, scientifically, to achieve the objectives (tactical and / or strategic) that arises. A machine that lasts beyond the life of the individual "agents" or leaders. A 'institution, in short, delegated to the perpetual war against other institutions perceived or classified as "enemy."
The other relevant factor which emerges is the impotence of the individual (individuals, collectives, groups) in front of the AG kings of this machine. There is a policy of "protection" that applies in any case; there is not nor can there be a "snuff" individual. Individual knowledge, even the most astute and experienced activist, is nothing incomparable THE power of a systemic institutional machinery. The revolutionary parties have always been aware; indeed, have been the answer half price books - as institutional, or complex, regulated, centralized and branched - the seriousness of the conflict.
Last consideration, or key of suggested reading. The first objective of soft power, is clearly theorized in this article ("intelligence activities half price books - the interference, misinformation and intoxication - employed in a coordinated and combined to plan and conduct work

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