Friday, June 6, 2014

You can apply for rehabilitation after six months from date of sequestration if: it is the first ti

[Box] Sequestration Rehabilitation is a legal process by which a person previously sequestration is placed back in the position of a person who has not been sequestrated. In some cases, rehabilitation takes place automatically but in general a person who sequestration is an application in the High Court brought to be rehabilitated. ac moore [/ Box]
Please read the information on our site rehabilitation through. It will already be a good idea if you can rehabilitate. However, if you have any doubts, click here then there magic happens, there should be a form appears that you can complete you then (back magic) with the push of a button to send us. We will then determine whether you can rehabilitate and let you know. That can take a little time, as we and the Master Trustee to contact you and some of them obtain information. (If you are afraid of computers you are welcome to contact our office, etc. We will find out if you qualify for rehabilitation).
We have done hundreds rehabilitation applications. We were successful in every application. The reason ac moore for this success is high that the Insolvency Act is very specific in this regard. We know the applicable laws determined and we can advise you with confidence. When we instruct you to rehabilitate accepted, along with giving us a guarantee that we will be successful with your application. If we fail, we pay the fees that must be paid back fully. When you apply a "risk-application" is, we will give you advance ac moore warning.
To rehabilitate after sequestration had in terms of Section 124 of the Insolvency Act over certain periods and certain events relating to the completion of your insolvent estate, occurred. In terms of Section 126 of the Insolvency and certain court decisions, there must be some formal allegations in the rehabilitation application is treated. You do not have to worry about what you need for the Court to say. We know the provisions of Section ac moore 26 and accompanying court decisions. We will guide you on this.
The most important aspect in rehabilitation you should consider is the fact that the Insolvency nowhere the existence of a so-called "new" estate for rehabilitation recognized. You must have at sequestration advice from your lawyer about legal mechanisms that you may use to make sure that once you apply for rehabilitation, ac moore the creditors may apply for rehabilitation ac moore back on the things ac moore you look sequestration has gathered, can not seize. We trust that your attorney sequestration that you did this you informed.
you have an agreement with your creditors in terms of Section 119 creditors to reach the vlogende advantage: you have to provide security for at least 50 cents in the rand for your concurrent creditors; estate costs (Kuratorsfooie, ac moore Master etc.) must be fully paid up; and all secured and preferential creditors are fully paid.
You can apply for rehabilitation after six months from date of sequestration if: it is the first time that your estate is sequestrated; and there is no claim against ac moore the estate is not; and you have not been convicted of fraudulent behavior in terms of the Insolvency Act no.
It often happens that creditors have a claim to prove, because the claim is small and they do not want to bother accompanying a claim to prove. Sometimes ac moore creditors can prove a claim because they fear for contribution. Contribution to a creditor an ugly thing. He proved a claim, hoping to make some money from the trustee to get and got instead of a check, an account. Why? See "Contribution" ac moore below.
We often hear this comment from our customers. We do not know where the magical 5 years came from. Definitely not from the Insolvency not. Perhaps from the hair salon, we know that there are many highly educated lawyers giving legal advice in hair salons.
When creditors claims in your estate proved and there were not enough assets in the estate to all claims and expenses in the estate fully paid, section 124 (2) (a) of the Act that a period of four years have elapsed from the date of sequestration until the date of application for rehabilitation. In addition, should ac moore the Master ac moore of the High Court the First estate accounts confirmed at least one year before the court for rehabilitation. The two periods (ie 1 year and 4 years) run concurrently.
If there is already one year has elapsed since the estate master the first account confirmed ac moore and there has not yet four years have elapsed ac moore since the sekwestrasiedatum, you are at the court for rehabilitation ac moore under "special" circumstances.
The first requirement in special circumstances, the note

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