Monday, September 8, 2014

Andreas AARDMAN Hykade Bill Plympton White Productions Palou Confictivos FILMÓGRAFO Florence Miailh

Just sopar Despres veure Pellicula Cashback Sean Ellis, a l'original versio Atlàntida (Manresa). M'ha bookline agradat força: alguns plans interssants tea, the tea història an original fan i els actors riure toc, has every personatge bookline hi! Us the recomano, is provided "guai"!
"Rebobini if us plau" Michel Gondry: bookline vaig riure molt, moltíssim, i em going anar de perles Perquè necessitava ho! "Round nit" Peter Greenaway: em will have to remember that veure tots els films d'aquest director ja nouns havia vist to The Pillow Book. Em will please, i tot that followed theatrical Cinematogràfica month that ... In Greenaway semper near Llenguatges nous li i not like the cinema mastegat nordamericà. A solitude of José María Nunes: will be com ple trobar one diamond substance. A month to month power vaig parlar amb ... Mateix manage that? Amic és Doncs is that which will be the meu professor bookline at the Faculty d'Animació in Josep Maria Blanco (who acts in aquest film). "Aleksandra" Aleksandr Sokurov d': a look on a special xic Conflicte of Txetxènia. Not Tothom li has agradat but jo crec not mostri facing vastly overprice the crueltat fetge i sang of war, Speak d'humans ens of persones that war com viuen routine of difícils bookline sew d'entender, i ens the personalitat També mostra d'donut forta fins cert punt, the protagonist. Growth that l'hauria of returning to veure! Per cert Sokurov bookline havia vist "L'Russian Ark", a film rodat pla sun i curiós bookline bonic.
I just dinner after seeing the film Cashback by Sean Ellis, in original version in Atlantis (Manresa). I liked a lot: intersantes has some plans, the story has a twist and the actors make you laugh, there is every character! I recommend it, it is "cool"!
"Rewind Please" by Michel Gondry: I laughed way too much, and I was pearls because I needed! "Night Watch" by Peter Greenaway: reminded me that I have to see all the films of this director as I had only seen The Pillow Book. I liked it even more theatrical than cinematic ... Greenaway always looking for new languages and dislikes chewed American cinema. In the solitude of José María Nunes: It was like finding a diamond full of substance. I could also talk to the director ... what? It turns out that is a friend who was my teacher at the School of Animation, Josep M ª White (acting in this film). "Aleksandra" Aleksandr Sokurov: a somewhat special look on the conflict in Chechnya. Not everyone liked them, but I think that although not blatantly show the cruelty of blood and liver of the war, tells of humans, people that the war live as a routine, things hard to understand, and also shows personality of a strong woman to some extent, the protagonist. I think you should see it again! Incidentally Sokurov had seen "Russian Ark" a film made in a single plane: curious and beautiful.
L'art reprodueix not visible, visible fa. Paul Klee
Aina Cordoncillo Alex Schmalz Anna Viñas BERTA Clémentine Bodet Diana Gutierrez Diana Solorzano Elisenda Solà-Niubó Gibet Ramón Hubert Catteau Jordi Borras Abelló Liquete bookline José Galán Jorge Pérez Martell mª Kyrios Aether Catalan Laura Luca Maria Maria Bonilla jarrie Nacho Martí Martin Nicolai Troshinsky Oscar Molano Raquel del Amo Catalina Romina Xavi Ramiro Martí Xènia
Ajubel Alba Marina Arnal Ballester Apelles MESTRES Beatrice Alemagna Carme Solé Vendrell Cara Carmina Curro Rubira Elena Odriozola Houdard Emmanuelle Etienne Delessert Gabriel Pacheco Gusti Rajčák Hélène Iris Javier Aramburu Mouy Jimmy Liao Leo Lionni Lisbeth Zwerger Liniers LOLA ANGLADA Mariona Cabassa Maxi Luchini MERCÈ Maurice Sendak Miguel Gallardo LLIMONA Miquel bookline Moomin by Tove Jansson Montlló Nicoletta Ceccoli One Stroke- Katsumi Komagata Rebecca Paul Alaudell Dautremer Serge Santiago Caruso bloch Sergio Mora Shaun Tan Shel Silverstein Tamara Villoslada Violeta Lopiz
Adrian Maganza Alexandre Siqueira Aline Benoit Audé Faucoulanche Capucine Latrasse Milazzo Cecile Chen Chen Sichez Eloïc Giménez Emilie Claire Grégoire Mercier Gwen Lemoine Vanderstraeten Haruna Kishi Heyang Wei Jean Julien Gimenez Bouthors Joan Martin Allard Marie-Pierre Jumi Yoon Hewell May Nguyen Paul Cabon Reka Kassay Rony Hotin Thibault Vincent Chimier djinda Viviane Karpp
Andreas AARDMAN Hykade Bill Plympton White Productions Palou Confictivos FILMÓGRAFO Florence Miailhe Folimage Frédéric Back Gil Alkabetz Igor Kovalyov Ishu Patel Joanna Quinn José Miguel Ribeiro Koji Yamamura Bronzit The Poudrière Konstantin M. Dudok de Wit Michaela Pavlatova Regina Pessoa Phil Mulloy William Kentridge Studio Ghibli

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