Saturday, May 10, 2014

In the United States Red Book was published as the first country in the world 19 October 2009. $ 19

Christmas Series, Czech, 2010 RSS We can run away before Christmas? Krampus - the devil as one of the Red Book - gift fail to address letters to "Santa Claus, Heaven" Christmas twice: Who are you, with your mom, or dad? All episodes
In the windows of bookstores its monumental format 29 39 cm and a red cover attracts over two months the eyes of readers - until their eyes fall on the price tag with the number 3850th Yes, exactly so much red book, diary therapeutic prominent Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav michaels crafts Jung (1875-1961) and for his followers michaels crafts and students said something like Scripture, is really worth. And it seems that despite her many people crave. Why?
"I would not have wanted it for Christmas," says singer Monika me Načeva that builds psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, along with the Indian thinker Krišnamurtím on a pedestal of their spiritual leaders. Apparently wants to delve into Jung's dark thoughts. The founder of analytical psychology is in Liber Novus, a new book in Latin, and later for its container called the Red Book, fought with their own sick nitrate, michaels crafts which temporarily occupied the forces of hell.
I independent singer, seemingly freed from the shopping michaels crafts fever Advent days, therefore, for four and a half pound of bound paper gave 3850 crowns? How many of those books probably have to sell? "I'm sorry, but information on costs and sales are private and confidential," he writes to me from publishing portals that book released 13 October 2010 on the Czech market, Romana Bařtipánová michaels crafts of the marketing department. "Unfortunately, as the saying cimrman, we must not even suggest."
When I for the weekly Reflex (No. 46/2010) prepared an extensive article about the Red Book, tremendously I enjoyed michaels crafts reading. The artifact itself has absolutely phenomenal - huge, thick book opens 205 pages on which přefocené parchments and papers michaels crafts of Jung's original manuscript. michaels crafts
With calligraphic black letters and a large-screen paintings with illuminated first letters of each chapter volume acts as a Gothic church manuscript. Such an effect might CG Jung, then president of the International Psychoanalytical Society, a busy university lecturer, psychotherapist desired, intended michaels crafts when he started in 1913 in fear of schizophrenia and incipient madness to record his waking dream, which then in July 1914 he began carefully painting the paper .
I read the red book, or its translation into Czech, which after these 205 pages followed, more than a week and I was impressed - as I stepped into a completely unknown world. I understood the individual words, she could not imagine visions of demons, which Jung in the desert and fought on the water, but the sense of Jung's complex conversations with the unconscious escaped me.
On the one hand, the book described a vivid dream, on the other its explication (dream interpretation, moreover, Jung dealt with in the long term), then the new vision of a new explanation - but what's it all? I Monika Načeva I admitted that one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, initially she could not read, "Jung first few years I did not understand, but I had a huge desire to understand it, and when the moment came and I got straight into words, as the saying between the lines, it was a big relief for me and also a huge stream of inspiration. michaels crafts "
Liber Novus has three parts. Book One, Liber Primus, is subtitled path of what is coming, and is prefaced by quotations from the Old Testament book of Isaiah and the Gospel of John. The second book, Liber Secundus, is, true to its subtitle, wandering nothing more than an image. The third part of the incomplete works, then it is tested, the partition containing images from the period April 1913 to June 1916 and interpretative comments. In the final book in that tiny epilogue of 1959, Jung only explains why in his work and could not continue after sixteen years, noting the dark recesses of one's spirit had ceased: "Understanding alchemy in 1930 by me from the door. Beginning of the end came in 1928, when Wilhelm sent me the text of the Golden Flower, the alchemical treatise. Then he found the contents of the Red Book of the path to reality. I could not work on it now ... "
Normal manuscript of a few sentences on page 190 of the epilogue after so many sheets black letters and tempera paintings are embodied archetypes, underwater monsters of hell demons, gods, winged old man Philemon and his daughter Salome acts as sobering. It is to me as to čtenářce absentees - I saw, I read, but I did not win over the text. I was not ready for it. Can not wait to alleged key to Jung's lifelong work was able to use just anyone. Red book certainly requires more study, extra study in the context of other work.
In the United States Red Book was published as the first country in the world 19 October 2009. $ 195 price would be in the land of cheap paperbacks definitely had potential readers to pick up from the chair and get immediate purchase, as well as a challenging topic, nota bene in times of economic crisis. But it could not be by the book so desirable.
Do you know how te

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