Sunday, May 18, 2014

World of Books, which is held annually altair at the Prague Exhibition Grounds really is not just a

World of Books, which is held annually altair at the Prague Exhibition Grounds really is not just about a single book, but is connected to everything possible, as you can in any literary form imaginable. I hope you enjoy it even occasional readers, or even those who are die-hard nečtenáři, but for the bookworm like me, it is simply a paradise on earth ... well hell purse. On Saturday, May 18th I was in the afternoon - because the weekend me none other than the work will not force to get up! - Met the lady Dariel, altair pancakes, Kataka, cashews and even I do not remember how much it has actually nicknames: altair D Anyway, on facebook laugh for months, so it's a personal meeting wanted. The world of books was a lot to watch, but most of all we got the crowds - because even though I am from Prague (or perhaps because of it), people simply do not like. We gradually worked his confusion, until we finally met with the group in the form of Terka, Sayuri and Yanny, but that just flashed past us, because she had responsibilities for publishing COOBOO as the new face of the last part Deliria (even though it is such a VIP, and reviewing cooperation with them I just nezařídí, well you know what?: D). For a while we trailed along, I almost fell over heat ... that we still morning with Dariel altair Plasil, after all the rain that's not going anywhere, so the sun shone, which turned into three large místonosti google fair to the sauna and Dariel his jacket fur really much use (just pulled it just to be able to brag, I got it: D). Then we fled to breathe fresh air outside on a bench while I drove back in a minute, I quickly embraced the ColleenTB, which took place around the wind. From the first day I therefore took some amazing altair hour conversation, belly stuffed KFC, clothes soaked with sweat (I know, fujky) and only one book - and the third and final sequel The forest of hands and teeth - dark and empty. for two hundred, the first two we do not have, but what the hell ... the second part I liked this one and I read it from publication. Then I went for my friends, drunk with the wine and drew after midnight on the last tram, but that's another story that had nothing to do common. *** On Sunday, I of course - so guilty episode had something in common - overslept, altair and then all day nestíhala, so I missed the whole discussion with Temnářkou, Edith Bald and Renata altair Štulcová (I forgot to say about the book Raphael's school and I had a chance to the signature T_T) with the participation of bloggers altair and Matthias Dubious Cat and Monica Otmili (with the family we have to spin tube bundles and always glad to see it: D), but at least I neprošvihla is. There was another browsing around the stalls, peeking, snooping, envy and longing sighs. A book I caught EON - Rebirth of the dragon eye for fifty crowns. Then it was followed by waiting for "happy hour" when you have two to three hours to buy a book with a 50% percent discount at Argo. Of course, altair we could not just let ... GIRL ON KEY by Monica is an excellent book, and I was convinced that I reached for it, even without prior knowledge, but a beautiful cover, I was intrigued - and apparently Temnářku that it took too. FEAR wise man is once again a book aspiring to the thickest I've ever had a plan to read (besides the Games of Thrones or empty space: D where the freak of the Inheritance) and it is the second part NAMES wind. Again I had to convince and now I have to buy the first book, unfortunately, hardly half the price T_T. As is often the case for large purchases, followed by relaxation over coffee. And the rest ... more shopping day when I saw the previously AMELIA A TMU from Petra Neomillnerové discount, I reached for her, but I resisted, but then Temnářka picked up and went with her to the cash register, and no .. I had too. Before I paid a vycourala with the others, she had Temnářku for the second time that day to raid one of her fans and buy a hungry desire. And then he went home ... I could go to bed and sleep and sleep and sleep. Although I'd altair like to read, but because exam is coming ... well, at least that Amelie is such a skinny :) And you, you were in the world of books and do good you bought? PS On are now big discounts for the entire series ... kill someone, think of the trilogy Night runners, but it's altair a shame that they do discount on individual parts, because blind to all three parts, I again want. PPS I just got called into work, said that he came to paycheck ... hooray: DA because I'm not at my laptop, so unfortunately I can not retaliate other photos than what I've managed to upload to fb.
Also, I was there on Saturday. So many books ... Yes, I've spent the whole grand, I just came from my grandmother and the last 179 crowns I had to spend it! So I dragged the house five books - 1st and 2nd part message unicorns (which I have signed altair Misa: 3) Declaration of death, while the end and Magic (per hundred from a friend): 333 Just, next year I have to go again! 3 Although this heat was terrible ... DDD
[1]: yeah, there

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