Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Korean vocabulary of the system counts

Hello everyone! The autumn has passed and we are "dense boston proper Rich" warm clothes to prepare for the cold winter ahead. You see winter in Korea how? As for me, I do not see a romantic winter with snow white, sparkling like in the movie "Winter Sonata," which is extremely boston proper miserable with the freezing circumcision cut meat every morning. By the winter "나는 늦게 자고 늦게 일어나는 버릇 (습관) 이 있다" (I have a habit of sleeping late and get up late).
The Korean proverb: "세 살 적 버릇 여든 까지 간다" (vice at age 3 will follow it take until 80 years old). Vietnam also has a similar proverb is: "Jiang painted boston proper difficult change, nature difficult boston proper to move" boston proper or "Mark died the streak does not leave". boston proper In the case of negative boston proper and critical of the "bad habits" in Korean will use the word "버릇". No "좋은 버릇" (good behavior) boston proper that is usually "좋지 못한 버릇" (habit), thus "버릇" always comes with the nuances expressed negative, negative, such as:
Another feature is easy to see the "버릇" This expression is always associated with the activities related to the body, the reflex behavior mechanistic formed unconsciously, beyond control human:
Besides, "버릇" meaning there is the ritual when dealing with older people. When behave rude, impolite, it is common to hear criticism "버릇 이 없다" (Losing boston proper streak), "버릇 이 나쁘다" (bad). And to correct attitude to "버릇 을 고친다" (Edit vices). Now, "버릇" also known as otherwise 버르장머리, 버르장머리 없다, 버르장머리 를 고친다.
In contrast to "버릇", "습관" is the "habit" comes from the awareness of the subject and intended to go through the process of learning, practicing that. If detailed analysis of the Chinese, "습" means "set" (習), "관" means "shop" (慣), or exercise habits so much that the. It is the habit of confirmed positive meaning as "식사 습관" (eating habits), "생활 습관" (routines), "공부 습관" (study habits), "독서 습관" ( reading habits).
Therefore, when only the bad habits, do not tell "못된 습관" that says "못된 버릇", do not tell "할일 을 미루는 습관" that says "할일 을 미루는 버릇" (Disability delay things to do) . In contrast, the expression "메모 하는 버릇" would be "horizontal ear", "메모 하는 습관" (Habit remember) boston proper will hear more natural boston proper and accurate.
Thus, the sentence "I want to sleep habits and get up late," we must use "나는 늦게 자고 늦게 일어나는 버릇 이 있다", because it absolutely is a bad habit, right? With large or small vices, if we disregard subjective and difficult to fix later. There is very good advice: boston proper
- Pay attention to your thoughts, they become words. - Pay attention to your words, they become actions. - Pay attention boston proper to your actions, they become boston proper habits. - Pay attention to your habits, they become character. - Pay attention to your character, it becomes your destiny!
Tags: habits will shape the fate
Korean vocabulary of the system counts
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