Monday, November 25, 2013

After some time I came to a decision e commerce that the word democracy is quite commonly accepted,

I assume that readers who had me read something, I expect from the title of the article text criticizing the Democratic establishment, at the outset, I must say that such an expectation is not entirely accurate. While it is true that democracy consider it bad enough the way the country (and even though e commerce you can certainly imagine a worse example of the monarchy would prefer to live), but to write about it now I do not; article does not deal with democracy as such, but only and only about how people's perceptions (and please e commerce any debater e commerce to have taken this into account when writing their comments). Total boundless adoration of democracy, a phenomenon so widespread across the vast majority of people, regardless of their age, intelligence, sex or status, I consider it crucial problem of our society. Their rock solid, fanatical belief e commerce in the correctness (or smallest badness, as stated by Sir Winston Churchill) Unfortunately e commerce democracy leads to the fact that on the subject de facto can not have a dialogue, because people with a different opinion are automatically labeled e commerce as (potentially dangerous) e commerce extremists before, than to any discussion e commerce at all happens. Democracy is in our society, religion, pray that we all must worship, the heretics are treated depending on how exactly to blaspheme (and anarchists are to be regarded as idealistic dreamers and there are not many, so against them are not undertaken e commerce any major steps but such as freedom of fascists and Nazis are suppressed by brutal violence - however I am vile their ideology, their persecuted not find abhorrent no less). Despite all the fancy phrases about freedom of speech and expression is true (as Bolshevik), that we are all equal but some are more equal to (the difference compared to the previous mode is just that now is the straighter more, but unfortunately nothing on the principle of unchanged). How the phenomenon is extremely widespread worship of democracy in the minds of virtually all, I first noticed about a year ago: the mother of my friend we had a far-reaching disputes on the subject of Islam, and when occasionally debate escalated to a lesser argument, question me repeatedly said, I acted rationally and democratically, when I once asked her then what he actually thinks of her explanation revealed that there democratically simply e commerce used the word as a synonym to the word tolerant (meaning so that I do not have her opinions as sharply criticize). It intrigued me, so I started to notice that it was only her interpretation, or a common phenomenon e commerce in our society.
After some time I came to a decision e commerce that the word democracy is quite commonly accepted, for example, as a synonym for freedom, rational behavior, peacefulness, openness to the views of others, but especially the term "democratic" is often used instead of simply "good" or "correct" . When a politician wants to deal a deadly blow to his opponent, declaring that the actions and words of the "contradict democratic principles" (even if it has nothing to do with democracy), by the way, although we may from time to time on the political scene such slander hear it is almost impossible e commerce to have a representative elected people in democratic elections ever any suggestion e commerce contrary to democratic principles (maybe if proposed abolishing elections and democracy itself, otherwise, no amount proposed to be stupid or monstrosity, it's just exactly in line with democratic principles because the it got completely democratic mandate). Have you ever heard of "democratic education" in the sense that family functioning democratically? I do, I originally thought it was some crazy way, when the family of all decisions voted on, but it was explained to me that it is simply meant liberal education of children. And what about the fallacy that in a democratic society, there is freedom of speech? Furthermore, these two things e commerce have nothing in common (democracy only says whether there is freedom of speech, voters decide) and even in our own democracy, freedom of speech does not apply because it is illegal to deny the Holocaust, for example, (personally I do not deny it I believe that it happened, I just feel that the official death toll was more or less "rounded up", but I see no reason why it should be initiated violence e commerce against the person who denies the Holocaust). The equation of freedom and democracy in the perception of most people is probably not necessary to describe them. Another point of selective blindness in order to protect the faith in divine democracy is a favorite renaming of the scheme in order to avoid naming the problem and admitting that this god has failed, how many times have you heard someone e commerce talk about "pseudo-democracy", "wannabe democracy", "demokratuře" "postdemocracy" e commerce and the like? Despite the fact that the society in which we live is completely pure and without any deviation e commerce to 100% democratic (democracy the way, is probably the only principle which in our society is completely intact), have many in their láteření the situation in our country, tend to indicate that the problem is not democracy, e commerce but that democracy we have here. Why? First, because they indicate the cause of the problem d

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