Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Organic food is very famous in society. Someone buys regularly, the other from time to time and the

Organic food is very famous in society. Someone buys regularly, the other from time to time and there are also consumers who shun these products. partition magic As the situation evolves on the organic food market? There is growing interest, stagnant or declining, partition magic perhaps?
Fruits in September was again a bit more organic food at the center of the media. It was due to the traditional "Organic Month", which this year had a goal of increasing consumer confidence partition magic in the quality of organic food and raise awareness of the benefits of organic food and organic farming and its impact not only on the environment but also on human health. Tastier, but more expensive, consumers buy organic foods mainly because they are better, tastier and do not contain unnecessary chemicals. "Currently, there is no longer a stable consumer group that knows the benefits of organic food, and therefore buys. Even in the current economic crisis, consumer demand for organic food is not falling, partition magic "says Dana Večeřová, Director of Communications at the Ministry partition magic of Agriculture. In contrast, the main barrier to more widespread among consumers of organic food remains traditionally their price, which is on average twice as high. Maybe or roast it may be more, while dairy products are more expensive only about a quarter. Thus, for all seek the money? It may not be so clear. "Organic food wrongfully obtained due to a number of unsubstantiated negative news quite a bad reputation," notes sadly a big proponent of organic food Tom Václavík of Green Marketing with optimism, but adds: "As soon as this can be overcome, consumption will rise again." Spending? 200 per year average annual per capita consumption remains about two hundred crowns, and does not change the proportion of organic food in the total consumption of food and beverages in the Czech Republic, partition magic which is about 1%. This proportion is the same minus plus years, partition magic which may be a surprise to anyone. In light of the poor quality of conventional food imports from the obvious fact that Czechs begin to watch more, for what they put their money. But it is necessary to monitor the events in context. In 2008, at the beginning of the economic crisis, bought organic partition magic food regularly or occasionally 39% of consumers this year, according to the results of a survey conducted by KPMG, 41% of consumers informed Dana Večeřová and added: "Most organic food shop in Prague, Pilsen and the South Moravian Region . "Just grow but offer food in large chains, quaint little shops is the largest drugstore dm markt with more than seven hundred entries, followed by Tesco and Globus. This year has also increased the number of food producers in this country, while at the end of last year there were registered 454 manufacturers, 25th August of this year there were 477 subjects, an increase of about 5%. On the same date farmed organically ekofarmářů 3922 to 493,880 hectares, which makes the share of 11.65% of the total agricultural land. A total turnover of the organic food market? This significantly exceeds 2.2 billion a year, more than a billion and a half doing consumption in the country. More and more "The market is wider range of organic foods, the chain is now quite obvious BIO have in their assortment. People have more information partition magic carefully choose and bet on quality, "Jana Matoušková realizes that controls partition magic the marketing team PRO-BIO, adding:" It changed the buying behavior of people and ordering is also used by e-commerce. "Jana Matoušková notes that the market two new magazines that deal with BIO. In addition, these foods are increasingly emerging range of hotels, restaurants, menus get into schools and nurseries, which is correct for many reasons. "I am pleased that it is growing range of both consumers and organic farmers," he says. Let's now look at the interest in organic products in different segments. If we do not count as relevant category "Other processed food", then "milk and milk products" have long been the first place has a fifth of the organic market (a decline from the previous year), partition magic followed by children's nutrition (15.75% share) partition magic and the third is fruits and vegetables (14%, also including fruit and vegetable partition magic juices), which reported the largest annual increase. New trend: Buying from a farmer trend in recent years is the direct sale of organic food, which means yard sale, farmers' markets, or biobedýnky. This kind of sales in the total sales of organic food accounts for about 5%, as sales in pharmacies. I continue partition magic to Czech consumers buy organic food in most retail stores (64.4%), second place then holds almost 20% of health food stores and organic food. Jan Valeska organization of the PRO-BIO League says that with an increase partition magic of almost 2% a yard sale the third largest sales channel, even in the whole volume of sales is still marginal. This is confirmed by the fact that it significantly increased the categories of producers whose production represents all bipotravin turnover and about 40 companies, mostly farms. "The more common customer buys organic food, the greater the emphasis on manufacturers the highest quality culinary," explains Tom Václavík and he sees as the last

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