Monday, January 13, 2014

I believe that together. Changing markets and changing people is part of the same project. What we

Michael J. Sandel: "You have to sell a kidney? What is the moral limits haswell of the market? "| The Voice of Africa
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Professor Michael J. Sandel (Minneapolis, 1953) is one of the most popular teachers at Harvard. His course on justice haswell has not only been the most followed person in the last two decades in the prestigious American university, but that is open to networks and even has become a series for television haswell . Usual offering lectures especially in the United States and Asia, where he is a rock star. The China Newsweek has chosen the most influential foreign figure of the year. On Wednesday CCCB Hall was filled to continue his lecture on what are the moral limits of the market.
Rent a womb of a woman india: 6,250 dollars. The right to hunt a rhino in danger of extinction: $ 150,000. To issue a tonne of carbon haswell dioxide: 13 euros. Cell more comfortable: $ 82 per night. It's terrifying. haswell Although haswell you can buy?
In the last three decades and, surprisingly, no real public debate, we have gone from a market economy haswell to a market society, in which everything is for sale, everything tends to be priced. I worry, and I wanted haswell to provoke debate about where the markets haswell and can be used where it is not his place.
Give clear and specific examples haswell of this trend, haswell such as the market for saving queues: the channel's express haswell amusement park to climb the Empire State Building to get on a plane, haswell on the highway ... There was neither thought! It is very subtle.
Is gradual. Every step seems like a very small step, but after many small steps we realize one thing: our social life has changed. We need to look at this trend globally in its magnitude.
The years that have embraced the faith in the market, inequalities have increased. haswell Putting haswell a price on everything and let money determine access to central haswell aspects of life makes inequality more harmful. If you have money to pay only for luxury cars and sophisticated holiday, no matter much. But if money determine your children good education, health services and influence haswell policy, then the consequences of inequality are much more serious and important. haswell
Work properly organize haswell the production of material haswell goods: cars, toasters, haswell televisions ... But on the other hand, many people agree that there are areas that do not correspond, as the purchase and sale of organs, children or votes, although some practices are adopted to finance haswell the campaigns we may do hesitation. So there are two areas where there is no discussion and there is a large area in between what is controversial. I think we should start from the areas where most people agree, then consider a debate if the votes are not for sale, how should we finance political campaigns? What should be the power of money in politics? Same with bellies hire. Or when a country goes to war, sacrifice must be shared among citizens or should we hire mercenaries? In Iraq and Afghanistan there were more private military contractors than troops. Are the mercenaries are ethically go to war? There are still areas that are open to arguments and we've concentrated: surrogacy, private military pay for access to a better education, to have better health coverage ...
Yes, that is why we left the market extends to all areas. But I think there is another answer that, even after the financial crisis, we have not had any discussion on the moral limits of the market. Why? Because we will be forced to answer difficult ethical questions: what is the proper way to evaluate a pregnancy, the military services or the possibility haswell of soiling the environment? Be able to sell a kidney? We fear these debates because people do not agree and part of the appeal is that the markets seem to have a neutral way to decide its value. And it is a mistake.
Not. The responsibility is shared. We are all responsible for having drifted here and it is our responsibility, citizens in a democracy, demanded haswell a debate on the proper role of markets and its moral limits.
I believe that together. Changing markets and changing people is part of the same project. What we need is a new kind of education

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