Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The philosophy tea fame d

The philosophy tea fame d'tangle quelle truck, és a dir, fer-us pitxa a mess. The pitxa a mess és tot the begin of philosophizing, or unconscio Conscient NEXT. Aquest és per my sentit of the veritable philosophy, desembolicar the truck, trying quelle to contribueix descobrir allo-fer us pitxa a mess.
David Blázquez: Thank you, Professor Sandel, for being here with us, in Madrid, and granting this interview Are Right? Which is the most important of Spain legal blog. It is the most widely read in Spain, it's basically ... What we want is to fight resignation in Spain propose and debate quelle on social and legal issues. So thanks for being here with us and then invited by the Aspen Institute Spain, will give a lecture in a few hours. The first question we would like to ask is simple: what is the thesis of his new book "What money can not buy: the moral limits of markets"?
Michael Sandel: Well, it starts with a question, and the question is: what should be the role of money and markets in our societies? And the answer I give in the book is less than it normally is. In recent decades, we have passed, almost without realizing it, to have a market economy quelle to become market societies. The difference is: the market economy is a tool, a valuable and effective tool for organizing productive activity. But a market society is a place where everything can be sold. It is a way of life in which market values and commercial relations reach any sphere quelle of life, from personal relationships to health, education, civic life, politics ... So what the book says is that need to create a debate about where the market should serve the public good and where it does not belong to be.
D: Well, thank you very much. However, many have criticized him, probably quelle without having read his book, for attacking market economies, so ... when you read his book, you realize immediately that this is not the case, but still: why is not your book against market economies?
M: Right. He's right, is not a book against quelle market economies, and not see the world as divided into market economies, on the one hand and government on the other. Those are not the only alternatives. A market economy is a valuable tool for organizing productive activity and market economies have brought more parity and wealth to many countries worldwide. So the question is not, in my opinion, if you have market economies. Of course we should have them. The question is: what is the place and the proper role of the securities market and trade relations?
What has been happening in the last few decades is that economic thinking, market values and economic logic have begun to overcome the limit of the area of material goods, and have come down to personal life, family life, health, education, civic life, politics, in a way that is not known to us so far. Yet, the effect is that sometimes, quelle in these limits, beyond the area of material goods, market values may have the effect of displacing or purchase intangible property, without having even noticed. That is my concern.
D: But you said at one point that sometimes, markets change, and used this expression: quelle "The nature of the goods being exchanged." What does that mean? Could you enlighten us with an example?
M: Yes, of course. And that's a good example quelle of the differences between material goods and social aspects of life that are increasingly being governed quelle by markets. With material goods, buying and selling them does not change the value of the thing that is being bought and sold. For example, quelle whether you sell me a TV like I give it as a gift, the good will be the same, it works the same either quelle way. But that does not happen with immateriales goods. Take a simple example: friendship. Suppose you want to have more friends ...
M: Well, you would not think, or maybe you do, buy some friends. But why not? Because once you'd realize that not buy friends actually works. A false friend is not the same as a real one. It's an interesting philosophical question why that is true, but, somehow, the money would buy that friend would change the meaning of friendship, dissolve the values of friendship. And that makes us want friends before anything. Well, these cases, the television, on the one hand, and friendship, on the other, are

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