Thursday, July 10, 2014

I use a lot of stories that described how play can work well and when children experience barriers,

IPA 2014 Istanbul
You do not often have the opportunity to present the views of children in Wales to an international audience, but I was invited to Istanbul for the 19th World Conference of the International Play Association (IPA), which is held every three years, and I take the opportunity to do so. As I look at my audience, microcenter which included representatives from countries around the world, I could see their faces light up as children of the Oak School (Carmarthen) and Glasllwch Primary School (Newport) talks about the importance of play in their lives .
In my presentation I refer to my experience of how children talk to me about feelings of safety and the importance of play. I attended also boasts, it must be said, is the fact that Wales is the first country in the world to legislate microcenter for children's play, and I describe how central is the UNCRC when making microcenter decisions Wales Government microcenter . I mentioned to Play Sufficiency Assessments and our duty is proposed Children and Families (Wales) will be placed on local authorities to carry out these assessments, and then to provide play opportunities.
I use a lot of stories that described how play can work well and when children experience barriers, limiting their freedom to play. I did my best to call on countries around the world to use # General Comment 17 on Article 31 of the UNCRC as the basis for a worldwide campaign. At least, microcenter the clapping and laughing in the right places shows that what I say will resonate with the audience.
I got an incredibly positive feedback about my talk, and he did so sometimes I think that experience outside Wales need you to appreciate just how far we've come on the issue of children's rights in Wales. We really are a country operating on children's rights and respect for children as rights holders.
You may recall that the last IPA conference was held in Cardiff in 2011. Again This time it was a combination of plenary sessions and workshops, with speakers of different nationalities, cultures and communities. There were so many highlights of the conference, and I made so many new friends microcenter and contacts. It is sure that you will not be surprised to learn that he is an incredibly playful, and full of information.
The fact that we are in Turkey, so soon after the mining disaster microcenter Soma, the impact on the conference. Not helping children cope with loss and personal experience of bereavement period of national mourning was a common experience, but it can cope with the grief of a child still concerned with personal expression through play. People spoke of normalizing experiences for children in crisis, and the importance of feelings of safety in extreme conditions. That of course includes children who live in countries where there is conflict and war everywhere around them, when recovery microcenter begins after a natural disaster, and when children were displaced.
There was much talk of a General Comment # 17 General Comment on Article 31 as particularly good. It makes it very clear what must be done to States Parties to fulfill Article 31 rights for all children. But the consensus was that it was only a start publishing General Comment # 17, and you need a clear campaign to "promote" its key messages microcenter and to increase momentum worldwide. If we want progress, we need to States Parties who feel that they are under some pressure to respond, but we also need them to feel inspired to own their own response to children's rights under Article 31.
"Is it my mind ny, or have you used a speech there before?" Mike Greenaway of Play Wales is a bit rich, but I assume that he is some really delighted Government continues to see high profile after success # IPACardiff2011.
Istanbul is a city bustling, multicultural. This is where the East meets the West and Asia and Europe are facing each other across the Bosfforws. microcenter According to estimates, about 15 million people live in Istanbul, and the 6,500-year history that the city can be found everywhere around you. I had the opportunity to see the Egyptian Spice Bazaar, the Blue Mosque Sultan Ahmet, the Museum of Modern Art and the Hagia Sophia.
Turkey People I like most, and the warmth of the welcome and their efforts to make the delegates feel at home at all typical of a nation that gives equal importance to family and community. Tesekkur Ederim - thanks!
So now I on my way home, and by the time you read this I will be back in Wales, with fond memories of Istanbul, colleagues and friends in the IPA, and the event itself as one that inspired the delegates to commit to campaign microcenter worldwide to realize children's microcenter rights under Article 31.
This entry was posted microcenter on June 12, 2014 at 14:03 under the category Uncategorized. You can follow ymate

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