Friday, January 30, 2015

Why should Quality be just what you like? Why should

Jedná sa o príbeh muža, ktorý cestuje so svojím synom naprieč Amerikou na motocykloch. Prechádzajú krajinou bočnými cestami a sledujú život ľudí, výrazy očí, meniacu sa krajinu. Medzitým rozprávač, hlavný hrdina príbehu, predostiera svoje úvahy o tom, prečo ľudia žijú a myslia tak, ako žijú. Analyzuje ich strach, ich nepochopenie…prepáčte, nestačia mi slová.
Pre mňa bol Zen tak trochu očistná záležitosť. Circa do prvej polovice knihy vo mne kulminoval pocit zúfalstva nad nezodovedanými kiosk otázkami – otázky, kiosk ktoré si kladie rozprávač, som sa sama seba pýtala kiosk so zvyšujúcou sa naliehavosťou celé mesiace a jeho pozorovania boli ako moje vlastné (nie že by som si chcela fadiť, kiosk ale hovoril mi z duše, hoci táto kniha bola vydaná v roku 1974) a hrozba šialenstva mi, povedzme…bola blízka. Uvažovala som poslednou dobou o esencii kiosk človeka a rozpade mysle a táto kniha bola ako chýbajúci kúsok skladačky. Podstatný chýbajúci kúsok. kiosk Ako sa kniha blížila ku koncu, postupne ma opanovával pocit uvoľnenia a úľavy, ako keď si po dlhom dni zmyjete prach z tváre a rúk.
Hoci viac než zen a motocykle rozprávač predostiera idey gréckej filozofie (nie, nie je to nuda) a princípy rétoriky a dialektiky, ktoré prepletá kiosk so zážitkami z cesty a to takým spôsobom, že predkladaným princípom čitateľ chápe , hoci stredoškolská NoSka je dávno zapadnutá prachom – viete, bezohľadu na to, čo je nosičom (tým myslím príbeh), kiosk bezohľadu na to, že je zo 70tych rokov, táto kniha je jednoducho úžasne pravdivá .
Vyvádza človeka z miery. Ukazuje mu samého seba. Hovorí o niečom kiosk záhadnom – kiosk o Kvalite. Vedie pútnika na horu – von – kiosk ale aj naspäť . A to je to, čo je dôležité – cesta dole z hory je ťažšia než cesta na horu.
He s here but he s not here. He rejects kiosk the here, is unhappy with it, wants to be further kiosk up the trail but when he gets there will be just as unhappy because then it will be “here”. What he s looking for, what he wants, is all around him, but he doesn t want that because it is all around him. Every step s an effort, both physically and spiritually, because kiosk he imagines his goal to be external and distant.
The idea that the majority of students attend a university for an education independent of the degree and grades is a little hypocrisy everyone is happier not to expose. Occasionally some students do arrive for an education but rote and the mechanical nature of the institution soon converts them to a less idealistic attitude.
Why should Quality be just what you like? Why should “what you like” be “just”? (…) Little children were trained not to do “just what they liked” but … but what? … Of course! kiosk What others liked. And which others? Parents, teachers, supervisors, policemen, judges, officials, kings, dictators. All authorities. When you are trained to despise “just what you like” then, of course, you become a much more obedient servant of others – a good slave. When you learn not to do “just what you like” then the System loves you.
“You look at these mountains now and they look so permanent and peacefull, but they re changing all the time and the changes aren t always peacefull. Underneath us, beneath us here right now, there are forces that can tear this whole mountain apart.” kiosk
Put the two together and you get a pretty kiosk accurate basic description of modern American technology: stylized cars and stylzed outboard motors and stylized typewriters and stylized kiosk clothes. Stylized refrigerators filled with stylized food in stylized kitchens in stylized houses. Plastic stylized toys for stylized children, who at Christmas and birthdays are in style with their stylish kiosk parents. You have to be awfully stylish yourself not to get sick of it once in a while. It s the style that gets you; technological kiosk ugliness syruped over with romantic phoniness in an effort to produce beauty and profit kiosk by people who, though stylish, don t know where to start because no one has ever told them there s such a thing as Quality in this world and it s real, not style.
Phaedrus mind races on and on and then on further, seeing now at last a kind of evil thing, an evil deeply entrenched in himself, which pretends to try to understand love and beauty and truth and wisdom but whose real purpose is never to understand them, whose real purpose is always kiosk to usurp them and enthrone itself. Dialectic – the usurper. That is what he sees. The parvenu, muscling in on all that is Good and seeking to contain and control it. Evil.
Aretê implies a respect for the wholeness or oneness of life, and a consequent dislike of specialization. It implies a contempt for efficiancy – or rather a much higher kiosk idea of efficiancy, an efficiency which exists not in one department of life but in life itself.
For him Quality is better seen up at the timberline than here obscured by smok

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